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Friday, August 31, 2007

Angry, yelling people

I can't think of anything much worse than being yelled at. What do yelling, angry people think they are going to accomplish by brow beating another human being? I can go to step 1 and realize I have no control over this person but how does one calm an angry person down who continues to raise their voice "thinking" that if they get louder and louder you might agree with them.
I can't wait for the day when I only have calm people in my life. I have let go of so many abusive people that I don't have a lot of friends left. I know in my heart this is a good thing but at times it gets rather lonely.
More steps to go just wishing I could hide....
I am an adult but I guess I am not dealing with an adult if screaming is their way of communicating. Adults should not yell and certainly should not begin swearing at the same time too. Life is just to short to have abusive people in my life. As I work the steps I have to believe that all abusers will be gone out of my life. I want peace and calm. I am sad today....
No I can't control another person but I can control not being in their presense...

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